A Trex Deck Resurface in Granby, CT

  • A Trex Deck Resurface in Granby, CT
  • Cavanagh Deck
  • Cavanagh Deck
  • Cavanagh Deck
  • Cavanagh Deck
  • Cavanagh Deck
  • Cavanagh Deck
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Materials Provided by Kelly-Fradet

Homeowner’s in Granby, CT resurface their old wood deck with Trex Transcend Lava Rock decking, Transcend White Rail with Trex Aluminum Black round balusters.

“After 16 years, we were faced with having to replace our two-level cedar deck. We were so disappointed with the performance of cedar and were in search of a better product that would require little maintenance. Kelly-Fradet had supplied us with building products on several occasions in the past and we sought their expertise in choosing material to rebuild our deck. Our initial preference was Batu hardwood, but it was going to require that we rebuild the entire deck infrastructure or incur a great deal of waste. We had always dismissed the use of Trex in the past, but Tom showed us the premium level material that Trex now offers and how it could work in our situation. We are very pleased with the results. The white railing with black aluminum balusters and column and riser lighting add classic touches to the overall look. Tom is a an exceptional salesman, always going the extra mile to answer questions timely and offer suggestions throughout the entire project. Thank you Tom and Kelly-Fradet for a great experience.”

– Jim and Beth Cavanagh
